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about me

Height: 5"9   |   Eye Color: Brown   |   Hair Color: Black/ Dark Brown

Gustavo Montano is a young actor, writer and director, born in Mexico City, but based in New York City.

Being bilingual in both Spanish and English.



-- Showcase  |   Lead   |   AMDA   |   Robert Manning Jr./ Tim Corcoran

-- Spring Awakening   |   Melchior   |   TAMU Camp on the Coast   |   John Harriman

-- The Awakening of Spring   |   Melchior   |   Magnolia Theatre   |   Rod Sheffield

-- Peter and the Starcatcher   |   Peter Pan |   Magnolia Theatre   |    Carter Ridge

-- Fuente Ovejuna   |   El Commendador   |   Magnolia Theatre   |    Rod Sheffield

-- Wizard of Oz   |   The Lion   |    Magnolia Theatre   |   Carter Ridge

-- Caucasian Chalk Circle   |   Simon   |   TAMU Camp on the Coast   |   Kelly Russel

-- Oliver Twist   |   The Artful Dodger  |   Magnolia Theatre   |   Rod Sheffield


-- Trapped   |   Ryan   |   Johnny Ramos Prod.   |   Johnny Ramos

-- AMDA (the Haunting of Hill House Scene)   |   Luke   |   AMDA   |   Dave Shalanky

-- Smile Like you Mean It   |   Hunter James   |   Paradox Productions   |   Tom Sys (In Prod.)

Training & Workshops

-- The American Musical and Dramatic Academy   |   Studio Program   |  Many Instructors

-- Magnolia West Theatre   |  Off Broadway Workshop   |   Tad Coley​

-- TAMUCC   |  Movements of an Actor  |   Greta Peterson

-- TAMUCC   |   Acting   |   Alison Frost

-- TAMUCC   |   Shakespeare   |   Alison Frost

-- Magnolia Theatre   |   Stage Combat   |   Carter Ridge

Special Skills

Bilingual Fluent in English and Spanish, experience with woodwork, Sword Fighting: Katana, Dagger/Rapier, Single Rapier, Broadsword. Martial Arts Experience: Kung Fu, Karate, driving, can ride a bike, skateboard, proficient in archery. Can swim, Boxing Experience, experienced with minor magic tricks.

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